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Which you can build your positive

Here are some examples of self-presentation goals in various situations in the content of the e-mail with your –  documents in your and cover letter – receiving an invitation to participate in the recruitment process at a job interview – getting a job at work – creating the image of a specialist, getting a raise, establishing business contacts during negotiations with a client or elevator pitch – convincing him to purchase a product or service on specific terms on LinkIn – building a personal brand, receiving an attractive job offer , establishing contacts at school – making friends, getting high grades on a dating site – finding a partner on social mia – strengthening relationships, building self-esteem. To achieve these goals, various self-presentation strategies and techniques are us .

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The most effective ones include self-promotion exposing one’s advantages and striving to make a favorable impression on others and leading by example presenting oneself as a highly moral person. Less obvious self-presentation techniques include ingratiation Buy Bitcoin Email List getting into other people’s good graces and gaining sympathy, intimidation building the image of a dangerous and aggressive person and shining a light emphasizing one’s acquaintances with successful people and identifying with their achievements. Also learn about effective motivational techniques . You don’t ne to have experience writing a CV. In the LiveCareer creator you will find ready-made content for any industry and position, which you can insert in your with one click.

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The above rules are only

Principles of effective self-presentation In psychology books and guides you can find many rules for effective self-presentation. Different standards apply during public speaking and still different during a job interview. However, it all comes down to these Germany phone Number List rules  Be confident. Be authentic and crible. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Know your strengths and weaknesses . Learn to communicate effectively maintain eye contact, be specific, use words that the recipient understands.. Show kindness to those around you. But remember that the foundation on  image. Sometimes you will have to take more elements into account.

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