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They will be the ones who

Establish top-down cost savings targets. Delegating the responsibility for cost-cutting to the frontline organizations often results in cuts to long-term investments, like training, not to low-priority or poorly performing projects. Central staff focused on operational improvements can provide an enterprise-wide view to objectively identify high-priority and high-performance activities, not just set overall cost-reduction targets for the organization.

Recognize and capitalize

On the cost of complexity. Failing to estimate and account for the cost of too many separate operations and support activities can lead organizations to overlook savings from reducing, standardizing australia phone number or sharing services, or making supply chain improvements. Central staff are in a better position to identify enterprise-wide and crossagency opportunities to capitalize on redundancies.

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The IBM Center for

The Business of Government’s Strategies to Cut Costs and Improve Performance describes seven specific initiatives where technology-enabled productivity solutions can make a material difference in the Albania Phone Number performance of government programs, based on the experience of real cost savings and efficiencies achieved by public and private sector organizations. These seven strategies constitute a starter list of initiatives of this type.

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