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In all these sections frontload

In all these sections  Recommendations the information thats most relevant to the current roles or ICPs ideal customer profiles youre targeting. Ive realized that doing this increases engagement with my profile and it boosted my conversion rates. . Set your profile public Keeping your LinkedIn profile set to public is crucial to boosting your visibility and networking capabilities. To check if your profile  set to public or private. Click on your profile and go to Public profile and URL.

Set profile public screenshot In all these sections

Clicking on the pencil icon will open Special Data a wind ow where youll find the visibility section. Et profile public screenshot Make sure all visibility options are set to public. Profile public screenshot This will make your profile visible on LinkedIn search and on search engines. Its also important if you want to become a LinkedIn influencer as it ensures your profile is shown to nd and rddegree connections. . Pin a featured post Pinning your featured post is another. LinkedIn hack that can get you traction on the platform. Its a great way to promote. Your services your best content and even introduce yourself.

Special Data

Pinned featured post

To pin a featured post Create and post Belgium Phone Number List something exceptional View the post Click the three dots in the top right corner of the post In the menu click Feature on top of profile. All it takes is a few minutes of searching for your most important posts and pinning them. Houston Golden is a LinkedIn expert and shares a short video. Describing his services his strategy call and his weekly newsletter as featured posts. With this strategy he generated leads to help over entrepreneurs generate millions in revenue and half a billion content views.

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